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This video podcast is a production of #BerlagediNusantara, made by Indieworks Creative

In our first video podcast episode, Berlage: Sang Penjelajah ('The Traveller'), we speak to the Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to Indonesia, Lambert Grijns, who was born and raised in Bogor. At his residence in Menteng, he reflects on Dutch architect Berlage's 1923 journey across the Dutch East Indies and the travel quotes from the diary the master builder kept during his trip. Mr Grijns also tells us more about his childhood in 1960s West Java, 'coming home' to Indonesia, his experiences as a diplomat and more. 

In Berlage: Sang Pemikir ('The Thinker'), we sit down with Indonesian heritage activist Hasti Tarekat in Jakarta to reflect on Berlages 1923 Dutch East Indies’ adventure from a heritage advocate perspective. Hasti—who lives between two cultures and is as much at home in the Netherlands as she is in Indonesia—speaks about how travelling is an opportunity to learn, her own efforts in advocating Indonesian cultural heritage preservation, and more.

In Berlage: Sang Arsitek ('The Architect'), we converse with Kemas Ridwan Kurniawan, professor in the Architecture Department at Universitas Indonesia. Seated at the library of the Faculty of Engineering, Professor Kemas shares his reflections and opinions on Berlage's travel journal quotes related to architecture in the Dutch East Indies in the early 20th century. He also compares modern architecture and Indonesian vernacular architecture, emphasising local wisdom. He also discusses his working group Vernadoc Indonesia, which focuses on documenting vernacular architecture using hand-drawing techniques.

In Berlage: Sang Kritikus ('The Critic'),we delve into Berlage's views on colonial society with Christopher Reinhart.
Christopher—a researcher specialising in Indonesian colonial history, particularly the late colonial period of the early 20th century—sheds another light on the importance and significance of the wayang performance that Berlage watched at the Surakarta Palace on April 20, 1923. He also tells us more about Western modernism during the colonial period and shares personal anecdotes about his Portuguese and Chinese-Indonesian heritage.

In Berlage: Sang Influencer ('The Influencer'), we are joined by not one, but two inspiring guests: young influencers Adriansyah Yasin Sulaeman and Yogi Fajri Diving into Berlage's Indies adventure from the perspective of content creators, they draw parallels between the way Berlage used his journal and sketches in 1923 to how they utilise their online platform as influencers today. The two also touch on what Berlage wrote about his scenic train trip through Java, fellow architect Karsten, and more.

Created by


Angeline Basuki (Director/Writer/Interviewer)

Yudha Irawan (Interviewer/Writer)

Darren Aqilaah (Camera/Editor)

Fikri Ramadhandi (Camera)

Rahma Azzahra (Voice-over)

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Berlage di Nusantara

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